
Playlist – Mellow Your Yellow with May Rio

By May Rio

In case you missed it, NYC’s May Rio released her solo debut last year, as a reinterpretation of what bedroom pop actually sounds like. In case you missed it twiceover, we were graced with another kind of May Rio reinterpretation just before 2021 wrapped up. To keep us guessing, May Rio released a remixed EP, featuring three tracks from her debut Easy Bammer. Aptly titled Easy Bammer Remixes for a Sophisticated Palate, these remixes are a great accompaniment into the new year (especially if you’re feeling less-than-sophisticated as you come into 2022, much like the rest of us). The reinterpretation of these songs won’t just inject some more life into you; they’ll help you reframe how you come into the year, too.

To celebrate her new EP release, we asked May Rio to curate a playlist for us. The playlist she came up will calm you down after a night gone haywire, which feels timely after 2021. A celebration of the comedown, just for you, all thanks to May Rio. Read her thoughts on the playlist she curated for us below.

It happens rarely, but it happens. I’ll be with a friend, and maybe we’re bored (who can explain it?). [REDACTED] will offer me acid before we’re heading out the door, or [REDACTED] will have given me some microdoses that reveal themselves to be macro. When you’re accidentally tripping at a bro-ey Bushwick “rave,” this playlist is for that. There’s a massage table on the dance floor, and a guy humping a mannequin until it tips over. It’s not just the drugs, this is all really horrifying. Songs to soothe you in the state you’re in. For now, don’t think about the friend of a friend who spilled a vial of acid on her leg and could never speak again.

Check out May Rio’s latest release, Easy Bammer Remixes for a Sophisticated Palate, below: