
Playlist – Sunset Praises with Imbi

By Imbi

Introduction by Madalyn Trewin

If you’ve not listened to Imbi before, you better strap yourself in–their latest single is turbo. It’s a-mile-a-minute, bursting-at-the-seams kind of track, like checking your phone at the club and realizing the whole night’s sped right past. After we got through lockdown here in Melbourne, AU, my friends and I spoke of the club fondly, despite the fact that we barely ever went to the club before. Seems that social distancing made me miss the parts of clubbing that I would usually avoid, like sweat, skin, and stickiness. Fortunately, Australia has started opening up again, and Imbi – based out of Sydney – has heard my plea. Whether you’re working yourself up to go out or missing what that used to feel like, “Heatsink” will be sure to reignite that part of yourself.

If the idea of going out is a little too much, Imbi’s curated a playlist so that you can charge yourself back up. Sunset Praises is full of the songs you need to hear at the end of a long night; it’s for slowing down and settling in. Read more on Imbi’s thoughts on their playlist below:

After a really bumpy 3/4 months, I’ve finally started feeling less “AHHHHH” and more “ah-ha”, but as we all know that sort of process takes time and dedication to self care. Music is deeply involved in many of my self care rituals. I construct playlists for myself that lift me up, playlists that curate my mornings and lead me from moody to motivated, playlists that help tap into my sads, playlists that help get me back into my body and also playlists like the one I’m sharing with you now. This is a playlist I sing to the sunset. It is a playlist loaded with songs of affirmation, gratitude and self love. I highly recommend listening/dancing to it as you watch the sunset but however you choose to engage I hope it brings you warmth and maybe even a smol smile 🙂

Listen to Imbi’s new collaborative single “Heat Sink” with Slim Set below and play the game that goes with it here: