Sedona spent the first part of this year between the East and West Coast. To keep them connected, we sent them a disposable camera to share so they could capture their own perspectives. Picture Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, but instead of writing on denim, it's photos of furry friends, quiet moments, and reunions.

POV: You are Claire laying on the gravel taking a picture of Margaux and Rachel with a disposable camera for Slumber Mag

Paved paradise

Family portrait with Bentley

Left to Right: Smokey and I after 2 months apart, big beautiful fuzzball Smokey in my apartment

Tyre + mer

Left to Right: Me and Baby Princess, Tuesday and Baby Princess

A midnight snack

Ice Bat and Baby Princess

Thinking about Baby Princess on a walk
“It’s been hard to keep pushing forward during these times.”

Left to Right: Benson, Abbey, and Baby Princess, my plant commune

Passageway to my dungeon

Left to Right: My space where school, art, and food become one, scarcely lit bedroom-practice space - relaxation station

My roommate Bella throwing a punch in my favorite sweater ❤️

New York, 2021. Gathering in the cold for a socially distanced parking lot hang - first time together in over two months. It’s been hard to keep pushing forward during these times, but there’s no one I’d rather be alongside with than these four - even if it is at a car length’s distance!

“There’s no one I’d rather be alongside with than these four - even if it is at a car length’s distance!”

Reunited with Tia after almost two months apart. Lots of wine & cheese ensued shortly after

Sparkling apple juice & lemon tarts with a side of Truman

Left to Right: California gurls. Shooting the cover for "Cupid's Victim," Mizz Haley Appell <3 putting the finishing touches on our music video “Leaving The Chapel”

Breakfast on the front lawn. The simple pleasures of pandemic life.

Gabby, Emily, Yuri. California 2020. Sedona’s home away from home.
Watch Sedona’s latest video for their song “Cupid’s Victim” below: