This past year, “a day in the life” has never looked so stagnant. What was once routine has become standstill; we’ve lost the little rituals we used to take for granted. To find them again, we have to look at life a little differently. We created our ongoing series 9am to 9pm to get a glimpse into where artists find creative inspiration in their daily lives.
In this edition, singer-songwriter Vera Kahn gives us a glimpse into her day in and day out of living in the big apple. Kahn share’s with us snapshots of farmer’s market icons, thrifting treasures, perhaps even Batman himself. It’s a pleasant look into the simple charms of the city.

8:45 a.m. I’ve been working at the 97th street farmers market every Friday for the past 10 months. Right now I work for a Fancy Sourdough Bakery. Rick comes to the market every week wearing the same outfit, regardless of the temperature. He is my number one farmer’s market-style icon. I covet every element of his outfit: worn gray clogs, biking leggings, layered button downs, slouchy felt hat.

1:35 p.m. I’m done slinging bread and I hear the church bells ring. There’s a church around the corner from the market that has the eeriest bell tones, modal and phraseless. The one that rings every 15 minutes goes C D A, which sounds like a schoolyard chant sung by gregorian monks.

1:53 p.m. Me and Caroline go to the thrift sale in the basement of a different church. I’m looking for party shirts. I find a pleather bolero with leg-o-mutton sleeves. I opt to spend my $12 on ayurvedic lunch instead.

4:57 p.m. I’ve done the math a couple times, and I really think I’ve spent at least 5% of my total life on the Subway. I have unending gratitude and respect for every single MTA employee. But what are these cops doing at my A train station? I’ve now seen two more guns than I needed to see today.

5:37 p.m. I can’t decide which one of these captures the insanity the best, so please pick which one you like most, I think #2 is my fave. The batmobile turns onto my block, windows rolled up. Spiderman walks up to the Batmobile and yells, “BATMAN!!!” until the batmobile rolls the windows down.

8:30 p.m. I cooked dinner for my dad tonight. It’s the least I can do, considering that he packed me a lunch every single school day from Kindergarten to 12th grade, and cooks me dinner multiple times a week. He’s showing off his new tea bowl in this picture. He’s got some black beans on the stove and some rye cornbread in the oven.

9:27 p.m. After dinner, my dad and I walk to the playground I used to hang out in as a kid. There are a bunch of people looking at telescopes. It’s a memorial event for a teenager who was killed down the street. Jonas adjusts the telescope for me, and I peer into the sky and see the moon’s crispy ridges.